About Us at Diving Moose Coffee

Diving Moose Coffee founders, Dennis and Jess


We are Dennis and Jess, and we share a love for traveling and amazing coffee. Diving Moose Coffee is our way of bringing the finest coffee that is bold and smooth to everyone, and making a positive difference in the world.

Picture from our boat tour on Lake McDonald in Montana

What's up with the name "Diving Moose"?

On a celebratory trip to the beautiful state of Montana, and after a long hike through Glacier National Park, we enjoyed a group boat ride around the calm waters of Lake McDonald. As our tour guide was entertaining us with information about the park, past and present, he mentioned fun facts about the moose in the area, and guess what one of them are? Moose can dive! These gangly vegans are quite the swimmers, diving up to 20 feet deep at times. We decided at that moment if we ever went into the coffee business that our name would be "Diving Moose Coffee".

What Makes Our Coffee Different?

At Diving Moose Coffee, we prioritize wildlife, the environment, and sustainability. Established in 2019, our mission is to offer exceptional specialty coffee while making a positive impact on wildlife conservation. In collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a renowned nonprofit dedicated to supporting communities, wildlife, and their habitats, we contribute to a worthy cause.

Our coffee beans are locally roasted in Georgia and shipped right to your door, ensuring the freshest and highest quality brew. We exclusively source 100% Arabica Specialty Grade beans, carefully selecting each variety to provide a delightful and rich coffee experience. Unlike the mass-produced offerings found at large chains and grocery stores, our smooth roasts are free from the stale, burnt flavor. Additionally, we offer a diverse range of coffees from around the globe, including several Certified Organic options, to cater to every coffee lover.

With every sip of our bold and smooth coffee, you can rest assured that you are supporting wildlife conservation, promoting sustainability, and savoring the finest coffee experience available.


The Hardware

Roasting is serious business. Here's our Ambex Coffee Roaster machines, with the one on the right being a YM-15 model, which has a 33 lb batch capacity, with 4 motors and over 100,000 BTU's. It also weighs over 720 lbs!

Our Roasting

We roast on a medium scale, full city roast. We do offer a rotating light roast of a micro lot, but we usually hang out right around second crack. This gives our coffee a greater body and sweetness with moderate acidity. Our roasts are also great for espresso-based drinks (such as cappuccinos, lattes and flat whites) thanks to the higher level of caramelization inside the beans.

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